A Producer is any person engaged in any close-knit or related activity to the primary producers. A Producer Company is thus an umbrella term that includes all of the following.

Producing, harvesting, procurement, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, selling, exporting the primary producers of the members, or the imports of goods or services.

The producer company primarily deals with the production of its active members. It is allowed to carry on any of the following activities by itself or through other entities on behalf of the members.

  • Processing includes preserving, drying, distilling, brewing, vinting, canning, and packaging its members’ produce.

  • Manufacture, sale, or supply of machinery, equipment, or consumables mainly to its members

  • Provide education to the mutual assistance principle to its members and others

  • Render technical services, consultancy services, training, research and development, and all other activities to promote its members’ interests.

  • Activities for the promotion of the interest of its members

  • Generating, transmitting, and distributing power, revitalizing land and water resources, using conservation and communication, are relatable to primary produce.

  • Insurance of producers or their primary produce

  • Promoting techniques of mutuality and mutual assistance

  • Welfare measures or facilities for the benefit of members as decided by the board

  • Any other activity, ancillary or identical to any of the actions which promote the principles of mutual assistance among the members in any different manner

  • Financing of procurement, processing, marketing, or other activities which include extending of the credit facilities or any other financial services to its members.